Final Stop: Aurora, Ontario, Canada
I started writing in Italian, but I figured that it is probably better and easier to write in English, as many more people understand this language. So it's been a month since I’ve been back and there’s so much in my heart, mind and soul to just pour out. But who is willing to listen and hear me out, when we live such busy lives?
That we often hear, and I’ve often heard I don’t have time, I’m too busy. But that’s not it. It isn’t important, it’s not of value, it isn’t your priority because if something or someone has importance, value, and is a priority, you would give “TIME.”
Time is not more than this repeatable, never-ending cycle that doesn’t stop, doesn’t go backwards.
Time is eternal.
Has no beginning and no end.
For those that believe, those words have meaning.
so if time keeps ticking forward. OUR time is slowly running out.
Sounds sorta ugly when I use those kind of terms, but that’s TRUTH.
As I said before previously,
To be weak is strength because one bares TRUTH.
Time is not in our control, much of what has passed, or what is ahead, we have no control. And when we try to CONTROL, we becomes slaves tied down to our own wants, our own thoughts, and our own DOINGS.
Rather than focus on doing, it is the being that we are called.
we are not called human DOINGS for a reason…
Because we are...
To be HUMAN. What does that even mean? Why does it even concern me or you?
Because it is in being that we are LIVING.
To die is to live. To live is to love. To love is to be nothing. To be nothing is everything.
To be is driven by our desire to LIVE.
I mean not the living that you see in the movies, in the media, in our society, but the living I’m talking about…
Not the loving again you might think of because we are hypnotized by the world around us.
It is a love that is meant for everyone. A love that has no distinction, A love that loses our own needs, A love that means putting others before ourselves. A love that is totally selfless, not selfish. A love that means being the FIRST to love.
Let me tell you what I mean, if you want to understand.
So everyday, every moment, I try not to let a moment slip without loving, somehow, even in the tiniest ways, it’s LOVE. But what I mean is not tiny as in small, but tiniest as the greatest love we can give because being tiny or of nothing, we give everything because we got nothing left.
how can I LOVE ?
Being the FIRST2 LOVE.
Putting OTHERS before myself.
So after our conversation, I went downstairs to cook up something, I looked in my fridge, I had a few ingredients to make a tasty pasta. Note that I don’t like to cook at all, and rarely ever do, and anyone can attest to this. However what is LOVE?
It is greater LOVE,
when it is difficult
when it ain’t easy
when it makes you sacrifice.
So to do something I didn’t particular enjoy doing, to put someone before myself, to be the first to reach out and give LOVE, can you understand the
definition of LOVE?
There was some leftover, and I packed it for the lunch of tomorrow. But again I met a friend in class who had no lunch. Again I put her before myself, gave what I had, and loved her until I had nothing left.
what makes me SELF-less rather than selfish?
For me, it is because I don’t live for what is seen, but the unseen.
Because LOVE can’t be seen or said.
not in the past, or the future,
...that is why it is called a gift.