Tuesday, May 29, 2012

I regret my abortion.

Complete silence filled the open air as I watched more than a dozen women standing at Parliament Hill holding signs written...

"I regret my abortion."
They held those signs with great courage as they shared their stories of how abortion not only took the life of their unborn child, but brought their life to a near end.
...stories of suicide, drugs, alcohol, prostitution, 
eating disorders, depression and all the above.
But what I admired most of these women was their witness NOW. 
they are no longer on the brink of dying, but have hope in LIFE, have love for OTHERS, and 
faith in THEMSELVES.  

This was my experience when I attended the March4Life in Ottawa on May 10th, where 19, 500 thousand people gathered to stand UP for the most vulnerable and innocent human being

Majority of the 100, 000 children/ year  are suctioned as they are tore into small parts, then a sharp loop knife called a curette is inserted into the uterus to loosen any remaining tissue and finally the parts are examined to see if the abortion is complete. 

gruesome i know, but that's the truth.
and if you don't think it affects you in some way then think again as close to
 50 million tax-paying dollars in Ontario goes to killing the unborn. yes you are paying for ABORTION. 

But apparently in Canada, Abortion is okay up until birth because you are not killing a human being. They aren't persons DUH?

Once a upon a time, black people in U.S. weren't considered persons either and neither were women, so that would wipe out more than half our world's population.
The definition of persons in Canada is 400 years old.

Steven Woodworth, MP of Kitchener Centre, has put forth Motion 312 to examine this worthwhile question:

apparently Canadian law says it's not a baby.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


last word: it (marathon) signifies the struggle of desiring to
 change within.
There IS little need to look outward when we are blind to see within.

This marathon has given me sight 
to what I can do and who I want to be.
that is...

to BE the change you want to SEE in the world. (Gandhi)

I ran for the belief of knowing that a better world- a united one
where UNITY exists between cultures, ethnic groups, rich and poor, believers and non-believers because I experienced it first-hand last year and couldn't stop but share it with others (more so live it out). So the money I fundraise goes towards other young people who can share in a similar experience called "GENFEST." (check 26 days left post). 

Although I'm shy of my goal, I'm still asking more sponsors!

To end off: anyone CAN do a marathon. summed up in one word: dedication. just like anything else in life. You must stay dedicated to your goal and driven beyond yourself.

Finishing Time: 4 hours 10 minutes 5 seconds. 23/52 (24 and under group). 265/665 W

Saturday, May 5, 2012

1 Day Left.

last word:  I must trust in the limitations of my human weakness, 
but also have the confidence to surpass it. 

like I said, 4 months ago, I would have told you that I would never do such a thing
and now I've mustered up the confidence to do just what I thought I couldn't.

This marathon for me means more than just a race and more than just fundraising money-
it signifies the struggle of desiring to change within.

There's little need to look outward when we are blind to see within.

So before that gun signs,
it's now or never to run
to run together with the rest of the world who know that...

happens now, not later
                                                                  within, not outward
                                                                            here, and not there.

If you want to see a united world,
                                                       so BE it.

2 Days Left.

last word: faith.
to come to full understanding of our human weakness,
but still have the strength to have total trust.

trust: fiducia (italian)
the word actually means two things in italian.

that's what training for this marathon has showed me...

that I must trust in the limitations of my human weakness, 
but also have the confidence to surpass it. 

3 Days Left.

Last word: 
love wipes away all fear
fear is overcome by courage
courage is made perfect through faith.

love without expectation, love without something in return, love of our neighbour, all do nothing but make us fearless, rather than fearful. 

Fear of trying something different, fear of not being good enough, fear of failure, all do nothing but dis-courage us, rather than give us courage.

But courage some say stem from within, but I say it is only from ABOVE.
Because courage is made perfect through...

to come to full understanding of our human weakness,
but still have total trust.

today's training: light walk
feeling :  now or never.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

4 Days Left.

last word: a love that the world may be united as 1.

that's the love I have to run this marathon. 42.175 km. the distance from my house to union station.

nervous? somewhat
anxious? a little
fearful? no

love wipes away all fear.
fear is silenced through courage.
courage is made perfect through faith.

today's training: 4miles easy jog
feeling: courage

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

5 Days Left.

where there's LOVE,
 life is an eternal bliss

I truly mean that from every fiber of my being- mind, heart and soul that perfect happiness is not a destination or goal but the journey...
journey of life.

but without love, there's no life.
I don't know about you, but life is surely not made of the temporary success, material wealth, or rather worldly acknowledgement as it appears to be.

perfect happiness. profound joy. 
is the sure belief of knowing that you are loved.
for me, being loved is certainly why I know love is forgiving.
if only I could express to the world without end how much I have the
  unfailing desire to show His love. 

a love that the world...
may be united as 