Friday, September 7, 2012


contrary is a "quiet" revolution to the past ones where an overflow of noise, crisis and chaos wrestles with your mind, heart and soul. It's not surprising that this revolution calls forth not just the few selected individuals, but all of humanity &...


it was launched after GENFEST 2012 because 

the story doesn't end, it's making history...

Commit YOURSELF because I along with millions others want to live for a revolution that we can call one another brothers and sisters, where universal brotherhood invades every corner of society in economy, politics, communication, sciences, sports and etc. For more: Click here

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Day 3

this story doesn't end, but it's making history
and we're part of it!

young people of different backgrounds, religions, cultures, generations, social class testified to the building of universal brotherhood as the deepest longing of humanity
and worth living for-living for something greater.

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Day 2

the sight of Egyptians waving their flags high in the air while the Palestinians danced in a circle would make you believe that we are living for a UNITED WORLD.

Day 1

"The story only has meaning when it makes history and you have come to do this." -Tamas Ludacs

the moment has arrived to unite all nations, share a taste of your own culture and believe that a universal brotherhood is the deepest longing of humanity!