Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pictures :)

Sept 6/10 -first sunset in Italy

Sept 7/10-from train station in Rome

Sept 7/ 10-inside Rome train station
Sept 8/10- eating Italian cake for the festa of the Scuola Gen (Gen School)
Sept 8/10- Gen Quattro House (where I am staying temporarily)
Sept 9/10- Gabri the Popa for our morning meditation
Sept 10/ 10 overlooking Loppiano on top of the popa formation house
Sept 10/10 first spaghetti meal- so delicious
Sept 10/10 Me-Jolie (Columbia)-Pati (Brazil)--Geraldine (Columbia- Stella (Hong Kong)
Sept 10/10 Orosyla (Romania) + BAMBINA
Sept 10/10- CRAZY gen :) 
Sept 10/10- eating with the Popa in Formation [Paola on the left (my godsister)]

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