Monday, August 15, 2011


11th Stop: Prague, Brno, Czech Republic

from the top of the castle

In the beginning of my journey, I wasn’t even planning on going to Prague, but since I had some extra time and my eurail pass allowed for it, I went. In one day, from Paderborn, to Berlin 5 hours, toured around, took some pictures, stood in the midst of one of the most important cities during the World Wars, then to Prague another 5 hours, I arrived at night. Sat on the train with 2 French boys and a girl from Czech in one cabin, we shared with one another a little bit of our own culture. The girl from Czech was telling me how the people of Czech really care about the appearance of the city. So the next morning, with enough light of the day, my eyes were amazed at how her words held truth- the buildings, the architecture, the churches, the castle are all so beautiful. Even its name Prague sounds prestigious.

me and Maruska (Prague)
But like always, those buildings will remain, maybe change their colour, but it’s always the people I love to encounter. I toured around Prague with a local, a girl also from the Focolare Movement (2), who knew many people I knew back at Loppiano (1) how the world is so small, and being connected by 6 steps is so very true. So speaking of Loppiano, I also visited another one of these communities but in Czech Republic.

Although I had traveled so many hours the day before, my feet were sore, my throat was acting strange, but my heart was ready. Ready to help others, share with others, serve others, and most of all LOVE others -a group of handicapped adults from Italy who were staying at the community for a few days. And again my Italian really helped as I imitated their Italian accent and pretended I’ve learned Italian for years. As soon as I saw them, I greeted them like I would to anybody, but with extra attention to speaking clearly so that they would understand. This is definitely something I learned from being with Annie, my friend-more like a sister, whom I helped and is also handicapped. Even though they are physically or mentally disabled, they want to be treated just like US, just like anybody else. But it is so easy to distinguish them, to outcast them in society, just because they may do things slightly slower with more difficulty, or process thoughts and ideas a little longer. As I was serving them drinks, or giving them napkins, or washing the dishes for them, I admired how much strength they had to give always this joy of being grateful for what they have even through their difficulty. I guess everyone has a difficulty, a struggle, an obstacle, a suffering, but...
NOI (Italian), US

it makes us grow, 
makes us STRONGER, 
makes us become
who we are.

That depends on US
whether  we desire to embrace our weaknessesto change despite the lack of security and to overcome the fear of past failures.

These individuals, handicapped of their ability to think, to speak, to do, to walk, to eat and all the “normalities” that we take for granted are witnesses.

Examples of where true strength lies because...

To be weak means strength because one bares truth.


What do you seek?
In Truth we SEEK.

at Brno (2nd largest city in Czech)

(1) Loppiano: place where I stayed 9 months taking a year off of school in Italy to live with people from around the world to learn about other cultures, religions, backgrounds, and more so learning about myself.

(2) Focolare Movement: an international movement present in 182 nations aiming towards an universal brotherhood and fraternity through the way of “Love” and putting the words of the Gospel into practice.

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