Thursday, February 9, 2012

that's PASSION.

just a few hours ago, my housemate came home and I said her name once, then twice slightly louder, then a third time and she STILL didn't hear.
that's how life goes, there's so much that pulls us, pushes us, distracts us, and drowns us away into NOISE. It seems "weird" to have silence, there's even a term for it "awkward silence."

But it's in silence that we can have peace.
don't we all long for peace?
peace in our hearts and mind?

PEACE in this world?

it is in our heart and mind that drives our being-
what we do and WHO WE ARE.

and it's not about DOING more but BEING more-
we are called human BEINGS for a reason. 

that's why I'm consumed into BEING...
being there for those in need,
being a friend to listen,
being a sister to give,
being a daughter to understand &
being LOVE to those unloved.

just a few months ago, I started a conversation with the guy beside me on the bus. Two things people do on the bus-listen to music and text on their phone. I fall into that temptation at times, but I definitely try my best not to as it didn't hurt to say Hi to the person next to me. Anyhow, we started talking about things in common, but somehow we ended speaking about our beliefs. And now we've been meeting every month to share in our experiences in how we practice the Truth in our lives to those around us- to be LOVE to those without love.
I would like to mention that he is a Muslim and I'm a Christian.
That's my passion-my thirst and hunger for...

a united world.
sounds utopic doesn't it? 
I haven't gone crazy or anything
 it's not just me but millions others share this reality.
and I'm willing to endure my body to run 42.175 kilometers-a marathon
for this passion.
if there is a will
there is a WAY.
and believe it or not it's called LOVE.
but it ain't easy as...

No one truly loves
until what they desire for their "brother" is what they want for themselves. 
My "brother" next to me on the bus shared this. 

Love ain't a feeling, 
but it is a sacrifice,
it is in selfless GIVING that love unites.
those that are different muslim "brother,"
those that are elderly friend,
those that are alone...someone I know
those that are unloved...the person next to me.

can you 
give up your time?
                give up your way?
                                 give up your ego?
                                             give up yourSELF?
                                                      for the person next to YOU?

                                 ...without expecting anything back

without expecting anything back from a friend that I was making her lunch last week as she was overwhelmed with stress only to find that she was barely able to eat any of it. 
but as I said it's 

giving up time, 
giving up my way, 
mySELF for someone ELSE 

...without expecting anything back.

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