so already 3 months of training,
countless hours of running, and persevering motivation
to the 26.2 mile race.
with 26 days left, there's no turning back...
it all started when my friend was telling me about doing a marathon
and I thought he was INSANE, 42 km is impossible.
There's no way I could EVER do that because I know the distance from my house in Aurora to FINCH station is 25. 7 km. But obviously I
CAN'T do it...
if my motive is to think entirely about myself.
He is running this marathon to fundraise money for OTHERS.
But I thought, the most I have probably run is maybe 10 km? not even...and I have never signed up for even one race, how can I sign up for my first race-a marathon?
but then again, it's not all about ME, it's about
OTHERS, it's about running this race for all those who like me,
believe in building a better world where it's not about ME, but about
a world where brotherhood is
CHANGE starts within ourselves, often times we want to help the world, make it better, change the world, however it doesn't start on the outward, but rather within
so that's my story, I never thought I could do this, but I know it's worth trying because
I believe I can.
I want to help first those around me, CANADIANS, who will be going to GENFEST BUDAPEST 2012. An international youth event on Sept 1 & 2 2012 uniting 12, 500 young people of different cultures, religions, backgrounds, generations who believe that universal brotherhood is an ideal worth living for!
then those OTHERS, like me in Brazil, Columbia, Argentina, China, Korea, Vietnam, Netherlands, England, Ireland, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Congo, Burundi, France, Paraguay, Ecuador, Australia, India, Jordan, Lebanon, Philliphines, Egypt, United States, Peru, Honduras, Israel, Nigeria, Bosnia and counting...
all with one goal: a UNITED WORLD.
but I need your support because this race isn't done alone,
but with all of YOU!
In Canada, we have raised over $3,000
and aiming for over $10, 000.
so please SPONSOR ME $amount or $_/km
1) in person
2) email:
3) mail cheque