Monday, April 16, 2012

21 Days left

it's really coming down to the wire.
today's training: 8 km run, some hill training, and 20 mins interval cycle
feeling: ______

empty is what is left when we finish the day and have given all that we have.
well empty in a sense of our own self because we have given ourselves to others.

interesting encounter today, met with my Muslim friend
and a new Protestant friend joined us.
we discussed upon truth.
there were various thoughts and ideas-however differences between us should not divide us, but rather enrich the beauty of the world around us-that is universal brotherhood.

it can not but start with our love for our neighbour,
that is why LOVE is not my saying, rather somewhat of my doing, but more so in BEING.

BeFIRST2LOVE. Love OTHERS as yourself.

that is in essence why I'm running...
i want to share this LOVE with others.

"All the religions of the world, while they may differ in other respects, unitedly proclaim that nothing lives in this world but Truth."-Gandhi

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