Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 1

The way I numbered my days had meaning to me, but probably made you question why?
Well I’ve been writing about my experiences related to Israel-Palestine, specifically the “Coexistence in the Middle East, the name of the summer course that drew me to live, study and experience Jerusalem. 11 was the number of classes we had as each day seemed to leave me questioning more because the situation grew in complexity. However it wasn’t until the end that I pieced the puzzle together, where I realized the answer I knew all along.
Before I say the answer, I’ll start with the question.
How can these two people- Israelis and Palestinians- find peace?
This question led to different opinions and beliefs as I searched for the answer from the outside, but the real answer I found within my own experiences.
Within every experience I’ve encountered persons,
Each person I’ve encountered either an Israeli, Arab, Christian, Jew, Muslim,
I’ve tried to love as a friend, a neighbour, a brother and sister.
I knew the answer all along because peace is possible not just between Israelis and Palestinians, but actually it is the deepest longing of all humanity and the only reason why I along with 12 000 other young people from around the world will amplify at GENFEST 2012 that 
only LOVE can change the world. 

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