Tuesday, April 24, 2012

12 Days Left.

last word: love is for-GIVING because that's where it starts: in forgiveness.

it was not until I started writing this phrase that I realized what my friend actually meant when he said those words.
  Forgiveness is the essence of Love.
but then it really only occurred to me when I tried to live it because just imagine trying to learn how to play basketball by reading all the books, manuals, instructions, rules, etc, but not actually picking up a ball to play. You would never ACTUALLY understand and learn how to play.

So I've been speaking with an OLDER friend of mine for several weeks, who will be the cook at an Italian Fundraising Dinner for this coming weekend. We've had endless conversations because of many problems we've faced in preparation. So one time, my patience with him was slowly disappearing as he called me in the midst of exams and I couldn't help but finish our conversation in an abrupt manner. So the next time I spoke with him, same thing, I was in a hurry to return back to Toronto, and he was there speaking to me without end. He must have sensed my impatience from last time and spoke to me a little differently. However, I tried to place myself in his shoes and tried to understand his point of view. No longer did I think of my own tasks ahead, but tried to be patient for those particular moments. In the end, I told him in an act of humility for forgiveness and immediately a smile came his face. All of a sudden, he lightened up and ended the conversation by saying, "We can do this together.
As hard as it is to lEt GO of our EGO, the easier it can be 2LOVE.
as  love is forgiving because love is for-GIVING.

today's training:  6.5 km
feeling: SNOWY XD


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